CDR Sample for Civil Engineering Draftsperson

Civil engineering draftsperson help in the research, design, operation, and maintenance of civil engineering construction projects. Generally, their work comprises of preparing detailed drawings and plans for civil engineering work for supporting the engineering professionals.
Their alternative names are Civil Engineering Associate, Civil Engineering Technician. To become a Civil Engineering Draftsperson, a formal qualification in civil construction design or a traineeship must be complete.
Australia is looking for qualified individuals in a wide range of fields to help boost its industries around the country. Therefore, competent professionals can get a plethora of chances as well as top average wages in Australia.
The CDR sample for civil engineering draftsperson includes all required reports such as CV, continuing professional development, career episodes, and a summary statement. CDR samples for migration skills assessment provided by CDRAustraliaHelp are all approved by Engineers Australia. We have a professional team of writers to prepare your CDR report in the best way. The sample content of the CDR report is as follows:
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 350 words.
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 1
“Preparing design and drawings of sanitary drainage and storm-water system pipework” – 1990 words
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 2
“Preparing plan, section, and details drawings of concrete frame structures of a residential building” – 1805 words
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 3
“Drawings and design of plumbing work of a residential building in Tehran, Iran” – 1830 words
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Summary Statement Sample
Detailed explanation of all the competency elements – 1730 words.
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Preparing design and drawings of sanitary drainage and storm-water system pipework
In the first Career Episode, the author explains the project he carried out as the partial fulfillment of the University’s requirements for his Bachelor’s degree. The name of the project was “Preparing design and drawings of sanitary drainage and storm-water system pipework” and his responsibilities were:
- Use the building floor plan to begin setting up a background image for the entire sanitation job layout.
- Use AutoCAD to prepare floor plans of different levels of sanitary drainage and rainwater.
- Specify the conductor wire size for rainwater and rainwater pipes and their offsets.
- Arrange the dimensions of the sanitation and ventilation risers, including the entire drainage system.
- Prepare detailed drawings of oil receivers, clean connections and system traps./li>
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Preparing plan, section and details drawings of concrete frame structures of a residential building
In the second Career Episode, the author demonstrates the drafting skills he used when involved in the project titled as “Preparing plan, section and details drawings of concrete frame structures of a residential building”. He performed the following responsibilities during the project:
- Perform the selection of reinforcement bars and perform a selection of their position.
- Prepare the plan and diagram of the different kinds of slabs with steel bars in AutoCAD.
- Prepare the detail drawing of the shear wall and create a section diagrams in AutoCAD.
- Create a diagram of the foundation plan and sections in the AutoCAD.
- Prepare a detailed diagram of the column sections in the AutoCAD.
Civil Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: Drawings and design of plumbing work of a residential building in Tehran, Iran
In the third Career Episode, the author explains the project titled “Drawings and design of plumbing work of a residential building in Tehran, Iran” in which he was involved for the partial fulfillment of the University’s requirements of his Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering. He performed the following responsibilities during the project:
- With the help of AutoCAD, with the help of the architectural plan, the layout of the background map of the domestic sewer pipe is established.
- Use AutoCAD to prepare the hot water, cold water, and hot water backwater layout on different floors.
- Use AutoCAD to make a schematic drawing of the domestic water.
- Measure the dimensions of the return pipes for cold water, hot water and domestic water, and visualize the dimensions on the schematic diagram.
- Use AutoCAD to determine the dimensions of domestic water-related equipment and display them in the drawing.
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