Thank you for giving your valuable time to review our disclaimer page. In this page, you will get the information about our policies and your roles and responsibilities as customer. Please review other pages: Terms of Use and Refund & Cancellation Policy pages for more information about our terms and conditions.
If you want to do business with CDRAustraliaHelp.com, you should agree to accept all of our terms, conditions and policies. You can immediately order your report after you make the agreement. If you choose not to read our policies thoroughly, you will still be responsible for knowing and accepting our policies.
Your Contact Information
The contact information that you provide us must be accurate since we use this information to make contact with you for several reasons that may include queries about the present or previous order, information about your requirements or problems about payments. We are not responsible for any loss or delays that occurs because of your inaccurate or unreliable contact information.
CDRAustraliaHelp.com Products are Not Intended for Commercial Use
All of our products are provided for the purpose of reference only. We are not responsible for the misuse of our products and we won’t tolerate it. The products that we provide you are only for your use and not to be sold to the third party.
About Placing an Order
You must place your order through our website. For more information, you can refer Prices page.
Revisions Policy
If you like to make any changes in your report form, you can contact our associated writers. Your report will be then revised and modified as per requirement.
Making Payments
You can make payments through PayPal, High Street Banks and Online Banks.