CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Technician

Electrical engineering technicians interpret an electrical engineer’s designs and technical instructions and ensure that they are followed to the letter. They also assist in the development, installation, testing, and maintenance of power generation, transmission, and utilization equipment. A valid qualification in electrical engineering technology is required to work as an electrical engineering technician.
Australia is looking for qualified individuals in a wide range of fields to help boost its industries around the country. Therefore, competent professionals can get a plethora of chances as well as top average wages in Australia.
The CDR sample for electrical engineering technicians includes all required reports such as CV, continuing professional development, career episodes, and a summary statement. CDR samples for migration skills assessment provided by CDRAustraliaHelp are all approved by Engineers Australia. We have a professional team of writers to prepare your CDR report in the best way. The sample content of the CDR report is as follows:
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 350 words.
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 1
“Optimal Allocation of Static and Dynamic Reactive Power Support for Enhancing Power System Security” – 2150 words
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 2
“Evaluation of Microwave Microscopy for Dielectric Characterization” – 1800 words
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 3
“Integrating Plug-In Electric Vehicles into the Electric Power System” – 2070 words
Electrical Engineering Technician Summary Statement Sample
Detail explanation of all the competency element – 1520 words.
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Optimal Allocation of Static and Dynamic Reactive Power Support for Enhancing Power System Security
In the first Career Episode, the author explains the project titled “Optimal Allocation of Static and Dynamic Reactive Power Support for Enhancing Power System Security” that he accomplished as a team leader for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of his Bachelor’s Degree. His responsibilities were:
- Determine the extent and nature of the voltage problem.
- Develops a technology to identify serious emergencies and vulnerable bus bars in order to delineate voltage prone areas on the grid that require reactive power support.
- Develop a method to correctly identify the best location with reduced integer optimization complexity.
- Developed a method to optimally assign static and dynamic VAR sources for a single emergency event.
- Developed a method to reduce complexity and optimally assign static and dynamic VAR sources for multiple severe emergencies considered simultaneously.
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Evaluation of Microwave Microscopy for Dielectric Characterization
In the second Career Episode, the author explains the project titled as “Evaluation of Microwave Microscopy for Dielectric Characterization”in which he involved when he was a PHD student at University of Birmingham. His key responsibilities in this project were:
- Calculate and derive the standard samples.
- Implement the measurement process of dielectric samples.
- Check the coupling coefficient’s effect.
- Demonstrate the uncertainty in the measurement of the relative permittivity of bulk samples.
- Demonstrate the drawbacks of the image charge model extended to thin films.
Electrical Engineering Technician Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: Integrating Plug-In Electric Vehicles into the Electric Power System
In the third Career Episode, the author demonstrates the skills he used to accomplish the project he was involved in during his university study. The name of the project was “Integrating Plug-In Electric Vehicles into the Electric Power System” and his responsibilities were:
- To assume the electricity and power consumption of the light PEV fleet.
- Research on the on-board power electronic topology of two-way vehicle-to-grid and grid-powered vehicle transmission.
- Determines the impact on the PEV distribution system under the control of the aggregator.
- Investigates the electricity price of PHEV aggregators and how it affects the decision-making process of cost-conscious PHEV owners.
- Model is a lightweight PEV for long-term energy and transportation planning across the country.
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