CDR Sample for Telecommunication Engineers

Telecommunications engineers are engineers who use their technical skills to provide a series of engineering services and solutions that revolve around various communication and information transmission modes, such as wireless telephone services, radio and satellite communications, Internet and technology, and broadband.
To be employed in the telecommunications engineering industry, one needs at least an undergraduate or graduate degree in electronic engineering, computer science, IT, or other technical disciplines.
Australia is looking for qualified individuals in a wide range of fields to help boost its industries around the country. Therefore, competent professionals can get a plethora of chances as well as top average wages in Australia.
The CDR sample for telecommunications engineers includes all required reports such as CV, continuing professional development, career episodes, and a summary statement. CDR samples for migration skills assessment provided by CDRAustraliaHelp are all approved by Engineers Australia. We have a professional team of writers to prepare your CDR report in the best way. The sample content of the CDR report is as follows:
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 350 words.
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 1
“Integration of 3G Technology with Related Protocol” – 2235 words
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 2
“Building of a secure LAN” – 2095 words
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 3
“Local Area Network: Design and Simulation” – 2120 words
Telecommunications Engineer Summary Statement Sample
Detailed explanation of all the competency element – 1950 words.
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Integration of 3G Technology with Related Protocol
In the first Career Episode, the author elaborates the project titled as “Integration of 3G Technology with Related Protocol” in which she was involved in while studying Masters of Information Technology in Network management. Her responsibilities were:
- Through a wealth of articles and research from other sources on the Internet, understand 3G technology and related protocols, and understand the working process of 3G.
- Specifies the terminal components of the 3G324 protocol stack, designs and defines terminal programs, and uses the H245 and H223 protocol stacks.
- Proposes an algorithm to process messages and analyze experimental results.
- Proposes a data transmission method that helps system optimization and experimental data analysis, as well as heuristic analysis to improve performance.
- Developed a video instant messaging system and integrated reduced sip into PCs and 3G gateways to understand messages on TCP / IP and 3G networks.
- Proposes a universal gateway to interconnect all networks and test its successful implementation.
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Local Area Network: Design and Simulation
In the second Career Episode, the author elaborates the project titled as “Local Area Network: Design and Simulation” in which she was involved in and her responsibilities were:
- To review various kinds of network topologies to gain better understanding of the significance of using it in the first period.
- To perform an outline of network security and analyze the possible threats and vulnerabilities.
- To analyze the available risks in terms of quantitative and qualitative.
- To review and propose the usage of different technologies and devices for the provision of security in the network.
- To perform the designing of required topology including the IP addressing.
- To prepare the security design and implement it using various technologies.
Telecommunications Engineer Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: Local Area Network: Design and Simulation
In the second Career Episode, the author elaborates the project titled as “Local Area Network: Design and Simulation” in which she was involved in and her responsibilities were:
- Research the required information from a variety of sources.
- Arranged discussions with the project leader and the technical team on the implementation of the local area network topology.
- Uses different transmission network media to create a local network in the simulation software.
- Assigns the VLAN of each physical switch by configuring a single switch and configuring multiple switches on the virtual one.
- Follow the entire process to complete the development of the LAN simulation model.
- Use the ping connection test result between the two endpoints to complete the project.
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