An employment reference letter is an important part of the RPL report. Suppose your education qualification and work experience are at a professional ICT level and closely connected to the nominated occupation (ANZSCO). In that case, the Australian Computer Society will examine the ICT skills assessment, but you must match the skill and knowledge. To determine the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) comparability, your credentials and expertise are first tested or inspected as per Australian national education standards.
The course modules are tested after the AQF is formed to identify the professional ICT content of your certification. Each unit is reviewed to determine whether or not it qualifies as an ICT professional unit.
ACS delivers authoritative, independent information and technological insights while also creating essential technology capacity and competence so that Australia may stimulate innovation and expedite technology adoption for the benefit of industry, government, and society. The following are some of the items to keep in mind when preparing the employment reference letter:
- You should have professional ICT experience relevant to the specified job function (ANZSCO).
- Before proceeding to a skill evaluation, you should gain sufficient job experience. ACS has indicated the minimal work experience requirement, which is critical to fulfilling the requisite skill level. The date on which the minimum skill level is attained shall be designated as the starting point for skilled migration.
- To be a skilled employee, you must have a minimum degree of experience. Work experience that does not meet the minimum defined level of experience will not be deemed sufficient, and your RPL may suffer as a result. Your RPL will be deemed unsuitable for migration.
- When preparing a reference, the date format has been standardized as DD/MM/YYY to express your professional experience in the reference letter; you must provide your starting and finishing dates. Please indicate “To date” if you are actively employed. It will state that the date you write a reference letter is the most recent date you have worked.
- To get a better response, try to include as many job duties as feasible in the reference letter. It is recommended that 65 percent of your employment task description in your letter be related to your specified work function and that you include a full explanation of them. The assignment, however, must be linked to your designated job description. In the other situation, your RPL will be deemed ineligible for immigration purposes.
- Remember that if you do any job besides your qualification, the ANZSCO authorities will not recognize that experience as “Skilled employment.” In your RPL, this experience will be categorized as “concurrent employment.”
- Every reference must provide particular details regarding your performance and show abilities. Your employer will approve this information. Keep in mind that if you don’t have enough information about your professional field’s competence and performance level, your RPL won’t be good enough for immigration.
- One of the most significant aspects related to the legitimacy of the “employment reference letter” is the employer’s signature. The signature of the hiring authority or the employer confirms that the information in the letter is correct. In the reference letter, make sure to include the signing authority’s name, contact information, reference, and designation.
- Your ACS competence will be evaluated using a certified copy of your employer reference letter. Please sign and date your reference letter. Any of the approved notaries can do the certification. Due to a lack of certification, your RPL will be deemed ineligible for immigration purposes.
- Being truthful is the best policy! avoid any deceitful tactics if at all possible. In your recommendation letter, mention your genuine work skill and performance level, as well as your degree of experience. You should use no other websites to gather information about your work experience and related characteristics.
- Discuss your abilities and professional performances in further detail, along with your nomination for the job post. Throughout the evaluation process, the goal of the reference letter is to establish your professional expertise. Consequently, try to focus more on your strong points and high-efficiency regions.
Table of Contents
Format of the Employment Reference Letter
An employer reference letter can assist you in acquiring that favorable ACS result. To be eligible for migration skills assessment, work experience must be professional ICT level and connected to the specified ANZSCO occupation.
Candidates must provide an RPL report and a letter of recommendation from a prior employer. The employment reference letter includes your education qualification, professional experience, skills, and competence. The ACS will assess your RPL report based on your job history and experiences.
To evaluate migration skills, work experience must be at a professional ICT level and connected to the selected occupation.
Rules to Write Employment Reference Letter
- The dates mentioned must be in the format of DD/MM/YYYY throughout the whole period of the job
- If relevant, you should state your previous positions and responsibilities
- Duties accomplished while in the workplace
- Organizational letterhead signed by the authorized individual (digital signatures are acceptable and must be verifiable)
- Working hours: full-time or part-time and weekly hours worked
- Position in the given field of work
- Locate the address where you did the work
How to Submit the Employment Reference Letter?
Applicants must segregate employment episodes to distinguish “Australian” and “International” work while completing online applications.
Australia Employment
In the online application, you must list each period of employment in Australia separately.
Outside Australia Employment
Your Employment is broken into Australian employment episodes if you’ve worked in Australia or outside of Australia; you must note each phase of employment outside of Australia separately in the online application.
Assume you’ve worked in many nations for the same firm and the same or a significantly comparable occupation (excluding Australia). In such cases, it should be reported on the online application as a single time of employment outside of Australia.
Key Areas to Focus on While Preparing your Employment Reference Letter
Let’s say you require an ACS RPL report, and you need a well-written employment reference letter. In that scenario, CDRAustraliaHelp provides a place to get the greatest RPL report writing services and reference samples. Below, we’ve highlighted some crucial points to consider while writing your ACS employment reference letter:
Use Valid Signatures
You must provide information such as the person’s name and position when writing a recommendation. Your employer or authorized company representative must sign and verify the employment reference letter you submit. If you employ fake signatures on companies that do not exist, it may ban you from resubmitting the application.
Proper Details of Employment
Developing unique, non-plagiarized material is the key to success. Rather than aiming to deceive ACS, make sure you write about real-life employment experiences. Additionally, do not copy and paste material from internet samples. Any job experience you submit must be professional and related to the chosen occupation, according to the ANZSCO code.
Adequate Work Experience Details
Before applying for the ACS skills assessment, you must have sufficient work experience since ACS has established the minimum work-experience necessary to ensure candidates meet the skill level requirements.
Work that meets the requisite skill levels and qualifies for migration points. When sending an employment reference, remember to clarify your work duties, tasks, and skill sets, stressing all competence areas.
Unacceptable Work Experience
Insufficient Documentation
Insufficient documentation leads to failed assessment. If the material submitted does not satisfy the ACS skills assessment guidelines requirements or your documents are insufficient to meet the criteria of assessment, it will be declared not evaluated.
Working at Different Employers at the Same Time
If applicants complete one employment period while working on another, only one employment event is recognized at a time. If you do any job besides your qualification, this experience will be categorized as “concurrent employment.”
Not Assessable due to Insufficient Detail
Because the information supplied is insufficient, ACS cannot make an assessment.
Not related to the nominated ANZSCO
The specified duties are considered irrelevant to the selected occupation based on the information provided in the application.
Depending on your ANZSCO occupation and work experience, CDRAustraliaHelp provides high-quality employment reference letters. We also work with CDR reports, RPL reports, Ka02 reports, Stage 2 Competency Claim, and others. Get a free Employment Reference Letter sample to get help for your RPL report.